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The project aims to implement the development of renewable energy resources (RES) – to invest in a solar power plant. The installation of RES will allow to reduce the costs of electricity, as well as the amount of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane) and other air polluting emissions released into the environment. The implementation of this project will allow not only to reduce costs, but also to become a company that contributes to reducing the effects of climate change.

As the demand for energy around the world grows, traditional energy resources are being depleted and the methods of obtaining them are damaging the environment. The development of renewable energy sources (RES) is an attractive alternative to traditional energy.

The goal of the project is to increase energy efficiency and energy production and use of renewable resources.

Project activities – LBI UAB will implement energy efficiency measures and aim for the total amount of renewable energy produced to be 185,032 MWh/year.

The total value of the project is EUR 138,526.00, of which EUR 96,968.20 is allocated from the European Regional Development Fund.

The project was launched in 2023. July 28 and will be implemented by 2025. July 31

Co-financed by the European Union.

UAB “LBI” is a modern furniture manufacturing company, 2020 September. successfully completed the investment project “Air purification installation UAB “LBI” and pollution reduction”, project contract no. LAAIF-S-39(2019), which is partially financed by the budget institution Lithuanian Environmental Protection Investment Fund (LAAIF), is administered by the Environmental Project Management Agency (EPA). The financing of 61,800 EUR is allocated for the implementation of the project. UAB “LBI” has installed air purification equipment, thanks to which the amount of hazardous pollutants released into the environment during the technological operations of furniture production has been reduced to a minimum, the threat of the accumulation of hazardous substances in living organisms and the negative impact on human health have been reduced, and the conditions for the improvement of the working conditions of employees have been created. The support provided by the Lithuanian Environmental Protection Investment Fund allowed the company to install advanced equipment, the work of which will not only contribute to the creation of a cleaner environment, but will also increase the company’s competitiveness and productivity on a national scale, the main tasks set forth in all levels of environmental protection directives and other normative acts will be carried out – to take all possible and economically justified measures to reduce the amount of pollutants and the negative impact on public health and the environment, to develop and implement sustainable technologies, to save natural resources, to take modern and effective solutions for the use of resources, taking into account the long-term needs of natural ecosystems and business (people).

Implementation of the e-commerce model in UAB “LBI” by digitizing sales transactions

The main activity of UAB “LBI” is the production of public furniture, kitchen, bathroom and other furniture. In order to increase the company’s income and profitability, the company implements the project “E. implementation of the commercial model in UAB “LBI” by digitizing sales transactions”. The project is implemented according to the measure “E. business model for COVID-19”. EUR 49,725.00 has been allocated for the implementation of the project from the European Regional Development Fund. The total value of the project is EUR 66,300.00. During the implementation of the project, customer self-service e-mail will be created. integration of trading platform and resource management system. The project was launched in 2022. February 22 and will be implemented by 2023. February 21.

The implementation of the project will allow customers to access and pay for the cabinet furniture produced by the company anywhere and at any time, and the integration of the resource management system will digitize the resource management processes for these orders. This tool will connect and increase the efficiency of the company’s business processes.

Digitization of e-sales transactions will distinguish the company from other companies engaged in similar activities. After the implementation of the project, the company’s potential, productivity and sales volume will increase, which will increase income and profitability, which is a necessary condition for the sustainable and long-term development and expansion of the company. With the help of the project, the company’s long-term awareness and added value will be formed, which will have a direct impact on the company’s competitiveness in Lithuanian and foreign markets many years after the project’s implementation.


Digitization of the company’s production processes, increasing labor productivity and operational efficiency indicators

UAB “LBI” is implementing the project “Digitalization of the company’s production processes, increasing labor productivity and operational efficiency indicators”. The project is implemented under the measure “Digitalization of Industry LT”, partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Up to EUR 222,613.00 is allocated to finance eligible costs for the implementation of the project. The total value of the project is EUR 690,220.00. The project started in 2020. December 1 and will be implemented by 2022. December 1

During the implementation of the project, programmable double-sided furniture edge processing machines and a programmable drilling-milling center will be purchased. Installed furniture design and cutting optimization software will automate and optimize technological processes.

The implementation of the project will create conditions for the continuous improvement of the company’s performance and productivity, which is a necessary condition for the sustainable and long-term development and expansion of the company, which will create direct benefits for the company many years after the implementation of the project. Installed modern equipment will allow the company to produce products more efficiently, with lower costs, thus increasing its competitiveness both in the local and international markets.